Monday, March 17, 2008

If You Had A Super Power What Would You Want It To Be?

Here's where The Red Thing began!

When he was born, he was just a sidekick. Now that he's rapidly approaching his second birthday (how is that even possible?) he's graduated to Superhero status and was awarded his very own cape! As you can see, the SSPE (Superhero Society of Planet Earth) uses Magic Scarves as the material of choice for their capes. Masquerading as Garrett Doozleberry* by day, Secret Super Power Boy saves the world by night. We know he's a superhero, we've watched on the baby monitor as he changes into his super clothes and jumps out the window at night. Chances are, you didn't give birth to a superhero, as they are very rare indeed. But chances are also that your child will one day long to be Superman or Batman or Wonder Woman and you will want to fashion a "play" cape. All you need is a Red Thing and a chip clip or safety pin. See below.

Secret Super Power Boy stares pensively out the window, waiting for his chance to save the world. It should be noted that when I put this "cape" on him, he refused to let me take it off once I had taken the picture. In fact, at the mere suggestion that I might be coming to take it off, he ran into whatever room I wasn't in and attempted to hide. In keeping with the Cape Theme, leave a comment telling me what super power you would like to have. I would like to be able to duplicate myself. If Duplicate Lori could make dinner while Regular Lori played with Garrett, the world would be a better place. Additionally, Duplicate Lori could sleep and Regular Lori could clean the house, catch up on scrapbooking, grocery shop, read, write, etc. Oh the possibilities are endless.

Is it just me or does he seriously look like a miniature Jack Nicholson? This was taken on the second day of the "I Refuse To Take My Sunglasses Off Extravaganza" and I am wondering if I ought to be worried that he strongly resembles Crazy Jack.

*As always names have been changed to protect the innocent from murderous stalkers.


  1. I would like to be able to do mundane tasks extraordinarily well. Then people could walk by my house and say, "I've never seen anyone mow a lawn like that. Oh. My. Gosh." Or..."Wow, did you see how he just set the table. Holy geez." But for serious, I'd want to fly. I'd save about a gajillion dollars a week on gas, and I could laugh at everyone in traffic. Plus, I'd get places faster, because, you know, the fastest route between two points is a straight line. And in the era of paranoid global warming activists, my only emissions would be the occasional, ahem, toot. Heather will try to tell you they are more than occasional. She may be right.

  2. Personally I would love to be able to stop time like Evie in Out of This World. Which I am still desperately waiting to come out on DVD! As far as duplicating yourself, I might suggest that REGULAR Lori sleep while DUPLICATE Lori cleans the house. Use your powers for good, not silliness. :) And finally, WOW he does look like a baby Jack in that photo, at this stage I'd say there's no need to panic... if his first sentence is "all work and no play makes Garrett a dull boy." then it might be time to panic.

  3. I never thought of duplicating myself as an answer to this question, but it is genius. I could have one Heather actually study, write papers, and go to class and work, and the other one could just reap the benefits of those activities and do things she likes to do instead. Anyhow, for my own, I agree with Jon that flying would be cool, but I'd like to take it one step further and just beam myself places. If I could just think of a place and then zap myself there, life would be that much more awesome. Think of how much faster running errands would searching for parking spots or waiting at stop signs - just ZAP, you could jump from Target to Costco in less than a second. Think of the exotic places you could visit...that would be great.

  4. In the first phot of super Garret with the cape...yeah, I've seen Troy give that look, in fact, I've seen GARY give that particular look, and while I am not saying Gartret looks just like Gary...well, apparently that look is genetic!
    Is "Make it all better" a super hero power? The ability to just fix things, human or mechanical or heck, even political messes...that would be great.

  5. My super power would have to be either the ability to fly or the ability to see into the future. Think of how you could then say, "Foresight is 20/20."

    Garrett looks just like crazy Jack in that picture. Too cute. 11 days!

  6. OK, I'm a little irritated with Heather for stealing my idea before I could write it down. Beaming, teleporting, whatever you call it. It would be great. I could wake up and take a walk on the Pacific coast, have lunch at a cafe in Paris, and see the Pyramids at night. Of course I'd hope with this ability that anyone I was holding hands with could be instantly transported with me. What do you think, should we do dinner in Rome or London?


  7. I forgot to add that I was just kidding about being irritated with Heather, apparently great minds think alike.

  8. okay, the kid looks like Jack, but don't you know that at some point, somebody voted Jack "the sexiest man alive" ?? Not that Garrett is sexy....but very cute....even if he does look a bit like Gary. Just kidding. Anyway, I'd want to just blink and have things happen. YOu know, like Jeanie, blink and the dishes are done. Blink and my bathroom is scrubbed. That would be lovely!

  9. Being invisible would be nice. Much easier to hide from my kids that way. Your duplication idea sounds awesome, though.

  10. first, the jack resemblance. it's too early to worry about that now. but if he starts showing up to banquets and awards shows wearing a tux and sun glasses - and keeping the sun glasses on even once he's indoors - then maybe it's time to worry.

    second, the superpower. hands down, teleportation. and i'm not even upset that my answer's not unique, because think of how the environment would benefit if more (or any) people could teleport? we would all have much smaller carbon footprints without relying on planes, trains, and automobiles for transportation.
