Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So. First we had swine. Then Garrett threw up a couple times. Obviously, you know what that means. I felt okay until about 6:00 last night. By 6:45 I was yakking. It was one of the most violent stomach bugs I've ever had--and that's saying something. This morning I felt like I got hit with a truck so I asked Troy to take the day off. He informed me that he would be taking the day off, not because I needed him, but because he, himself, is sick as well. We've never been sick like this at the same time. We had to take our baby to a friend's house because there was just no way that either of us could take care of him. (Thank you, Christy! You are a lifesaver.) The incredibly weird thing is that we are both running fevers. I do not run a fever with a stomach bug. I have no idea what is going on in our home but it's gross. I have that feeling that we will never, ever, eat again and never, ever, be able to leave our house again.

Okay. I've fulfilled my NaBloPoMo requirement for the day. Now I'm going to try to sleep some more.


  1. Oh you poor thing :( Note pictures posted on days like this count toward your required blogging :) It's quantity not quality ;-) I read the fine print.

    Look on the bright side - you're making PLENTY of room to eat plentiful during the holiday season and not be shamed to step on a scale.

  2. With the fever you should be careful, I hope its not escalating Swine Flu or something. Maybe back to the doctor?

  3. When Kyle was two, Jason and I both came down with a horrible stomach flu. We were so sick that we never even changed his diaper the entire day! I was eight months pregnant with Neil to top it off. What a fun day that was. We just locked the doors and hoped for the best. Obviously, Kyle lived through the day. He probably ate dog food or something, because I sure don't remember getting up to fix him anything to eat!

  4. Are you 100% sure you had the swine flu the first time, because this sounds more like the swine flu. I'd get back to the doctors.

  5. you and your spewage. you poor things.

  6. aww thats such a bummer! I am with the other.. head back to the doctor asap. Fever isn't a common thing w/ the regular flu. Better to be safe than sorry. Will be praying for you!

  7. You guys are in my prayers! Get feeling better soon.
