Sunday, November 1, 2009


So Garrett requested a monkey pumpkin and Daddy did his best. The boy was happy. It met his approval.

Matthew is just getting over a raging cold. He wasn't the happiest camper in the tent when we went to the pumpkin patch. He wasn't terribly interested in the pumpkin we brought home for him. He did pound on it like it was a drum for a minute or two before dissolving into tears and pleading with me to hold him.
Yesterday I took the boys to a local shopping center to trick-or-treat. I've decided that, next year, I am going to inform Garrett that he is to say, "Trick or Chocolate." Because, really, if you don't give chocolate, you might as well be tricking. At one establishment, Garrett had a choice between several pieces of candy. Miniature Hershey chocolate bars, Milky Way, and other various chocolate pieces lined the bowl. Thrown in, for good measure, I'm sure, were single Starburst squares. When the bowl was lowered and Garrett was faced with the big decision, he plucked out a single yellow Starburst. A. Single. Yellow. Starburst. Yellow! I've failed him. Not next year. Next year there will be a lesson in how to appropriately choose candy.

This year, the boy begged us to let him be a knight. Um. Okay. Sure, dude. So, without further ado, I give you The Rock Star as The Knight.
And it just so happened that when Garrett was 15 months old, he was a dragon. Well, naturally, I couldn't pass up reusing the dragon costume. So we had a knight and a dragon. I give you Little Buddy as The Dragon.

The dragon has two eyes, one just decided to be MIA from the picture. When I put Matthew into the costume, Garrett grabbed the tail and asked me if it was the dragon' Except he didn't say member. He said the correct word. And I explained that it was actually the tail. Silly me, I kind of thought the spikes gave it away.


  1. At first, I wondered who could possibly pick out a yellow Starburst. But then I remembered that he is still only three. It's like the cereal aisle. If given the choice, he'd got for Trix or Lucky Charms over Corn Flakes. Why? Because the packaging is more appealing to a wee one. As is the yellow paper as compared to a brown wrapping.

  2. hahahaha was he at least at home when he's asking the anatomical questions? hehe that's great and I LOVE that they match thematically. :)

  3. They are both sooooo dang cute. Give them a big kiss from Grandma. Seriously though, yellow starburst? Orange I can understand, but yellow. Actually, I can't understand, I'm with you, chocolate all the way.

  4. They both looked SO cute. Love the knight and dragon costumes! The tail story made me laugh out loud...very cute.

  5. yeah, the kids are cute...blah...blah...blah. SPIKES!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  6. The tail is cracking me up. Both your boys are cute.

  7. I love their costumes, they look awesome.
