Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

It has come to this.

Tomorrow I turn twenty again.

Personally, I think recycling is a grand idea. Don't you?

I'm leaving tomorrow night for the Women of Faith conference in southern California. My parents treated me to the event and bought my airfare to commemorate my thirtieth birthday commitment to recycling. I won't technically be thirty twenty again until 8:33 pm Pacific Standard Time and by that time I'll probably be in a hotel room with my mom and my friend, Shannon--who is making the trip with me. I trust that they'll provide a much needed diversion.

In the form of liberal amounts of alcohol.

Okay, they won't. I wouldn't drink it anyway. I'm a pastor's wife. And I'm turning twenty. Not 21.

I've enjoyed living through my twenties. They were eventful, to say the least. I graduated from college, got married, successfully raised a golden retriever, experienced the birth of my two children, moved away from the only place I'd ever called home, went to New York for the first (and second) time, relaxed on the white sand beaches of Hawaii, toured Israel, taught, learned, and grew in ways I never thought possible.

It was a good decade.

Might as well do it again, right?

Happy re-twentieth birthday to me.



  1. I have to agree that the 20s were pretty eventful - it's hard to wonder what could make this next decade even better, but I suspect there will be some pretty amazing stories, adventures, and milestones that will make us want to recycle our thirties. Happy re-twenty... besides is 30 really your scary age?

  2. Love your story. 30's are fantastic also. It's what you make of it, and sounds like you make the most of it all. Enjoy.
