Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What Dat Noise?

Garrett has entered a new chapter of his life. It's the question phase. His favorite question is "What Dat Noise?" and he asks it all the time. Since getting to California, it seems to have become the second most asked question in the history of the world, second only to "What's the meaning of life?"

A distant rumble is heard.
Garrett: What dat noise?
Me: A car.
Another distant rumble is heard.
Garrett: What dat noise?
Me: Another car.
A squeak is heard.
Garrett: What dat noise?
My Dad: What does it sound like?
Garrett: A bird.
My Dad: Then it's probably a bird.
Another distant rumble is heard.
Garrett: What dat noise?
My Mom: Does it sound like a car?
Garrett: Yeah.
My Mom: Then it's a car.
Nothing is heard.
Garrett: What dat noise?
Me: It's you!


  1. HEHE too cute...

    We were in Cali st the same time... man we were so close!

  2. HEHE too cute...

    We were in Cali st the same time... man we were so close!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. And the recently popular answer: "A herd of wildebeest."

    Garrett: "Abeese"

  5. Haha! The kid is getting a bit paranoid with all the noises. Better make him stay away from horror movies, if you don't want sleepless nights triggered by the "mommy-I-heard-a-noise-I'm-scared" speech. :D
