Thursday, November 8, 2007


I've been a little bit of a downer lately. With the exception, maybe, of the boob blog, I've been on my woe-is-me-I-have-to-leave-this-awesome-place-and-I'm-less-than-thrilled soap box. While I still maintain that only the truly insane or the wives of the truly insane would ever pack up and leave this mecca, there are some things I'm looking forward to:

1. The stage at OUR NEW CHURCH. Previously, at MVCC, all plays had to be blocked so that the actors could walk off the stage and exit through doors--there was no way to get "backstage" without first getting "offstage." The very first thing I noticed on our first trip to Salt Lake back in August was the stage. It's nothing glorious or fancy but by gosh there are doors ON THE STAGE that lead to a backstage area. My heart and vision are happy. Very happy.

2. Seasons (sort of). I am not looking forward to learning how to drive in the snow, which everyone tells me I should do in a parking lot. "Hello, fifteen-year-old Lori, didn't think I'd see you again, what are you doing? Learning how to drive in a parking lot. Awesome. Me too." I don't think this time will come complete with my mother white-knuckling the armrest but you never know. And I'm not looking forward to my thin California blood going through the painful-and often freezing-process of thickening up. I am, however, looking forward to a white (keeping my fingers crossed) or at least chilly Christmas. It's true that I don't mind a warm San Diego holiday but I just can't see being upset over hot chocolate and blankets galore. And I think, come April, I will be so sick of the snow that spring, for the first time, will seem like the crispest of miracles.

3. I am looking forward to cultivating new relationships with the congregation, most of whom are so very excited about our arrival. Of course, I will desperately miss the friends and relationships that I have here at MVCC but I am truly starting to look forward to getting to know the people of OUR NEW CHURCH.

4. Wicked August 2009. I heard a rumor. Happy 6th Anniversary to me! (And Troy, of course) What's that? Well, yes, we have seen it twice already. Your point?

5. Being about twenty minutes away from this:

and, well, this:

and this:

To be completely honest, I'm giddy about all the waterfalls and creeks and ponds and trails and beauty within a half hour of my new home. But, besides leaving my fantastic California-and her ocean-behind, I'm more than just a little nervous about this:

It's not that we don't have an LDS temple here in San Diego because oh how we do...but it shakes the core of my being to think about existing as the minority. I've never been the religious minority...unless you count high school. Even then it was only because it wasn't "cool" to be "religious." And to not only not be a part of the majority, but to label myself as a pastor's wife and my boy as the son of the preacherman, well, sometimes I think I should just put a sticker on my back that says, "Lunatic!"

And then, sometimes, I thank God that He's sending me to Utah and not to Saudi Arabia or Lebanon. At least if I'm going to be one among the masses I'll still get to speak English and enjoy not wearing a burqa.


  1. Well hey, you and I have something in common here. You will soon meet fifteen year - old Lori again, and starting yesterday, I will see fourteen year old Heather in the mirror everytime I look at it for the next year. Thank you braces. Way to bring it all flooding back.

  2. I don't care how cold it is when I visit you, I'm going hiking. Utah has a lot beauty in it, and I intend to see it. I wanna see that waterfall. It will be a nice break from the hot beachy stuff here. So even if you don't like Utah all that much, your brother probably will. And that will lead him to visit more often.

  3. well, despite what i told you last night about catching up on blogs and reading yours, i disovered, upon coming home that i HADN'T caught up on yours. and my oh my, what a lot of catching up to do! but i enjoyed it thoroughly and i'm so glad that even though you'll soon be far, far away, your . wonderful way with words will only be as far as my computer screen. :)

    p.sjosh really got a kick out of garrett last night.

  4. I am jealous of "your" new stage.
    Love you lots and lots. :)

  5. Ah, moving to Salt Lake City! You won't be too much in the minority. Okay, you will, but not like other parts of the state.

    We should talk. There are a lot of really wonderful parts, and I would love to share them with you. And I can recommend an OB/GYN and a hairdresser and give you my view of the better parts of the place where I lived.

    I lived there for twelve years, and packed up my life and moved to Portland in August, so I can relate to the emotional significance of your endeavor.

    Let's figure out a way to connect.
