Sunday, April 3, 2011

Trevor Update

Trevor update:

Trevor had a great day today - he was able to get a day pass out of the hospital so we could go to his team's football game. They won and also got him a jersey, football and a few other things - it was so nice! I went back to work last week and it went ok, very hard to be torn between two places. Kenny does so a great job with Trevor, so I am not that worried - just miss them.

As far as his health, he is progressing well. There are a few concerns about the weakness on his left side. His voice box is still only 1/2 way working on the right side and not at all on the left. The doctor's are having a discussion about whether or not to take out his trach. One wants it out and the other does not for a safety net. They are still concerned that his swallow is not strong enough to protect his airway, others say that when the trach comes out, his swallow will actually improve. We want it out and hope they take that route on Monday.

Please pray for:

1. Trach out

2. Strength for left side

3. Stronger swallow

4. Voice box not paralyzed

Trevor's life is not longer in danger, I am just praying for a full recovery now.

Thank you, Julie

Thank you all for praying for Trevor! God is awesome!


  1. So happy to hear that Trevor is doing so well, we will continue to pray for him. Thanks for the update!
    Kerri Brown

  2. Thank you for the reminder and update on this!!
