Me: It's the way you feel when something scares you a little.
G: Have you ever seen a creep before?
Seriously. The kid cracks me up. All. The. Time.
His jammie shirt says, "Mom's Rock Star." They were a gift from my aunt and The Rock Star loves them. The Seahawks pillow belongs to The Husband. Trust me, I'm doing my best to raise a good little Charger fan.One of their favorite things to do in the morning is wrestle and giggle and hide under the covers on my bed and squeal and smile and get rowdy. That smile has nothing to do with the camera and everything to do with having gone an entire night without seeing his brother. "Oh Garrett," that smiles says, "how I've missed you in the past ten hours."
The brown monkey featured in both pictures is MonkMonk, Matthew's beloved. It goes absolutely everywhere with him. It might go along to college. And on the honeymoon. I'm just sayin'...
Speaking of sayin' things, Matthew climbed up on the couch today and said, "Mama, want TB. Want watch Timmy." Because that's how my children roll. They don't say anything at all until they turn two. Then they start demanding things in nearly complete sentences. Don't worry, Matthew isn't requesting a case of tuberculosis. He just wanted to watch Timmy Time on television. But, then, I kind of hope you were able to figure that one out all on your own.
Yes Garrett, I've seen quite a few creeps. Most of them in college. :)