Saturday, December 18, 2010

Garrett's Very Best Part of Christmas

Despite a lengthy conversation on the way to his performance about how mommy thought it was totally okay with Jesus for him to sing the song about giving presents away, The Rock Star, apparently, remained unconvinced.

I spoke with a mom who had heard me telling the story of what he'd done earlier in the day. "I really hope he does it tonight. I'd laugh so hard," she said.

"I really hope he doesn't," I'd replied.

The Very Best of Christmas came near the very end of the show. I was able to stay for almost two thirds of the performance but, unfortunately, missed that particular number.

My husband watched the beginning and then decided that he needed to video tape a portion of my oldest child's shenanigans. For posterity.

Yeah. That's my son, pointing at the teachers that he, obviously, thought were very wrong and shouting the real very best part of Christmas at them. "GOD!"

Way to stick to your morals, kid. However, in the future, you will not be invited to be part of productions where you change the lyrics and point at audience members. I have a degree in Theatre. I know these things are generally frowned upon.

****Edited to add: He starts laughing because, when he shouts, "GOD!" for all the world to hear, several of the audience members start laughing at him. And he's a ham. I have no idea where he gets that charming personality trait.


  1. I absolutely love it! How adorable. With such conviction too!

  2. The video won't play. It just says an error occurred and to try again later. Fix it, please. I really want to see this.

  3. wow, this is priceless! I just read it to Hubs and he said it really gets him teary! Adorable!

  4. I laughed and cried. Laughed because it is so funny when a kid does their own thing on things like this and cried because I love his child like faith.

  5. when your mom told me about this I couldn't wait to see it! Garrett is so funny & God driven. I Love It!
