Friday, January 4, 2013

Final Elf Installment

Last Sunday, we had family leave just after church and more family arrive about two hours later. In those two hours we flew through the house cleaning the most important things. Like clumps of dog hair embedded in the carpet, a layer of dust settled on every shelf and table, and puddles of _____________*. I'm just keepin' it real. 

So, now that my brother, his wife, and their puppy are headed back to San Diego, I have time to share our final elf pictures.

One night, they were up to absolutely no good. This Winter Wonderland scene is courtesy of my husband who laid out the entire thing. This included a trip to Walmart because we didn't have any regular sized marshmallows.
 December 21
(For you, Missy. As requested.)

Our boys' bathroom is done in a Hawaii theme and we keep a spare roll of toilet paper in a sand bucket on the back of the toilet. You can probably imagine how much my son jumped when he groggily padded into the bathroom and started using the commode only to be met with his elf's staring eyes.

December 22

Garrett made an elf at school. Of course, his "real" elf, Finn, needed to hang out with his his craft elf "Penguin." Why "Penguin" you ask? I have no earthly idea. Matthew's elf decided to have some serious fun that night. He's riding Stinky the trash truck and if you think Stinky didn't start talking loudly while this scene was being set up, you'd be wrong. 

December 23

It was finally time for the elves last night with us. The boys woke up to them both reading the Christmas story out of Garrett's action Bible. I'm certainly glad that the elves know the true meaning of the holiday.

December 24

That's all until next year. Perhaps next year they will arrive on December 19th so as to spare us the agony of trying to find so many spots for them.

And. Now. Stop reading if you get squeamish around bodily fluids.

*Originally this read: Puddles of coagulated urine at the base of the toilet. But then my husband thought it was so nauseating that people would boycott this post, if not the blog altogether. So I decided to put it way down here. If you're still reading I sincerely hope you don't stop coming over here based solely on congealed liquid waste.

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