from this time forth and forevermore!
From the rising of the sun to its setting,
the name of the LORD is to be praised!
Psalm 113:2-3
To inquire about inviting Lori to speak at your event, please email loribassham81@gmail.com
Lori has shared pieces of her personal story--a tale of how a control freak and habitual worrier deals with infertility and contested adoption and, eventually, learns to gives it all to the Lord--through Clay in the Hands of the Potter: Learning to let go, trust God and live by faith.
She's told the story of her ongoing struggle to be all things to all people and her desire to live a life that focuses on being who God has called her to be through Pursuit of Perfection.
She recently developed material for a women's retreat. Under Construction: Lessons from Ruth is a four session series about how the Lord grows us through our willingness to move, endure, trust, and be used by Him.
Lori also creates new material specific to your theme and various needs. She is available to speak at retreats, conferences, special events, workshops, banquets, seminars, pastor's wives events, etc.
PAST EVENTS (Partial List)
2021--Evangelical Bible Church of Dallas May Festival
Dallas, OR
2019--Sonrise Baptist Church Women's Retreat
Garden City, UT
2018--Sonrise Baptist Church Christmas Tea
West Valley City, UT
2018-- Harbor Folsom Women's Retreat
Mi-Wuk Village, CA
2017-- Intermountain Baptist Church Spring Tea
Taylorsville, UT
2013-- Aglow Conference
Salt Lake City, UT
2013-- Bloom Women's Conference
Cottonwood Heights, UT
2013-- Intermountain Baptist Church Day Conference
Taylorsville, UT
2012-- Canyons Leadership Retreat
Eden, UT
2011-- FBC Brigham City Christmas Brunch
Brigham City, UT
2011-- Sweet Conference
Cottonwood Heights, UT
2011-- Bloom Women's Conference
Cottonwood Heights, UT
2011-- Ramona Lutheran Women's Conference
Ramona, CA
2010-- MVCC Women's Retreat
Santee, CA
2009-- MVCC Women's Retreat
Julian, CA
Garden City, UT
2018--Sonrise Baptist Church Christmas Tea
West Valley City, UT
2018-- Harbor Folsom Women's Retreat
Mi-Wuk Village, CA
2017-- Intermountain Baptist Church Spring Tea
Taylorsville, UT
2013-- Aglow Conference
Salt Lake City, UT
2013-- Bloom Women's Conference
Cottonwood Heights, UT
2013-- Intermountain Baptist Church Day Conference
Taylorsville, UT
2012-- Canyons Leadership Retreat
Eden, UT
2011-- FBC Brigham City Christmas Brunch
Brigham City, UT
2011-- Sweet Conference
Cottonwood Heights, UT
2011-- Bloom Women's Conference
Cottonwood Heights, UT
2011-- Ramona Lutheran Women's Conference
Ramona, CA
2010-- MVCC Women's Retreat
Santee, CA
2009-- MVCC Women's Retreat
Julian, CA
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