A place that I was introduced to in the summer of 1995. And reintroduced to in the summer of 1996. And 1997. And 1998. And 1999. A place that I inwardly begged to return to for so many summers after I was too old to be in a high school youth group. A place that I had long ago resolved to mere memories.
(If you're having trouble finding me...I'm the one in the middle. The only one who, apparently, still thought it was cool to have bangs. Though, I should point out that at this time I was still very subconscious about having a forehead that rivaled small countries in land mass.)
A place that asked my husband to speak at high school camp this year. A place that is allowing him to bring his wife and twelve-month old son. Now, those of you who know how much I love this camp might suspect that I married Troy four years ago with the sole intention of one day figuring a way to get back there. You would be (mostly) wrong. Now, I will say that with marrying a pastor came the added bonus of having an "in" with the youth pastor. And, now that I am teaching part-time and have summers off, I fully intended to plead the case of why I would be the perfect girls counselor at camp this year. Imagine my elated surprise when my amazing spouse came home and told me he'd been asked to speak. Now I get to go and I don't even have to be a counselor. I just get to share a cabin with my two favorite boys. I've never shared a cabin with a boy at camp before...let alone two. Normally, at CBS, coed cabin sharing is strictly forbidden. In fact, if a girl is even found walking on the boy side of camp, well, I just...I...I don't really know what would happen, honestly, but I never did it out of fear of being thrown into the Pacific or deported back to the mainland or something far worse, like being forced to clean the kitchen after every...single...meal.
(It really is sad how the good Lord bestowed all the physical attributes upon me and left him to get by looking like that.)
Because the camp ended up needing another counselor. And being that Troy is the speaker, he somehow pulled some strings and Jon now gets to go back to camp for free. Now, if there were only some way I could get my parents there...stuffed in luggage anyone? And for the record, Jon actually looks more like this...
And so, though I know it will not be more than a sliver of a nostalgic experience, for few of my friends from eight years ago will be there, I am getting very excited. Because my Two Sets of Jones's friend is leading worship. Because my brother is leading students. Because my husband, who's a firsttimer, is leading large group. Because my son, though he won't remember, will get to experience it. Because I will experience it all over again and from a different perspective.

Campus by the Sea hold fond fond memories for me as well. David and I had a big fight and sat at the end of the dock to have "The Talk." The, "Are-We-Riding-This-Relationship-Out-or-Are-We-Just-Goofing-Around-Here?" Talk.
ReplyDeleteHe was also baptised in the water there by a dear friend of ours who later performed part of our wedding ceremony.
I am glad to know that all the money paid for camps was truly well spent. I am happy for you and your brother that you get to go back together and experience it from a whole different perspective. Somehow I know that the teenage brother and sister will make an appearance.
ReplyDeleteoh so jealous...thanks for taking me down memory lane. how about swimming on the bunk beds or singing grease songs..oh i love that place...let me know how it was..