Friday, July 15, 2016

Just a Quick Update

Just a quick update:

Somehow, Will is six weeks old already. And Garrett is five days shy of ten. Matthew is dancing around in the middle, coming up on almost seven and a half. You blink and they're all grown up. 

Will can already roll from his tummy to his back and does it consistently. Granted, his arms have to be just right but, if they're tucked under him, fo'get about it. He also weighs 8 lbs now so, you know, he's like the size of an average newborn.

We're sleep deprived but I'm trying to be so much better about that than I was with the big boys. With them it was like, I knew intellectually that one day they'd sleep but I was in the trenches of early motherhood and it felt hard to believe. They're so big now that I absolutely know it to be true.

They just don't look like this forever, is the thing.

This kid is spoiled and adored by his big brothers. They are both so good with him. Matthew is just thriving with another adopted person under the same roof. He's always eager to help--except with the throwing away of diapers.

When they hold him, I'm undone. There are so many answers to prayer living and breathing in this home. I'm so glad the three of them are mine.