Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Adoption Update

It's been a good long while since I've said anything about adoption and I figured it was time for an update. We've decided not to continue pursuing an independent adoption at this time. This is deeply personal and I'm only sharing it here and now because so many of you have partnered with us both financially and prayerfully. Many of you frequently ask me what's happening on the adoption front. An update is long overdue.

We have kept most of the past year to ourselves, keeping any potential situations quiet and treasuring them in our hearts.Throughout the past 16 months, we have had a few opportunities. We had mothers consider us and, ultimately, choose to go a different direction. We had a mother choose us and then decide to parent her child.

Our children do not know about anything since Kate. We protected them from any situation that might have caused them distress. It is because of their lack of knowledge that we only shared the details with a few individuals.We trust that you will understand our need to protect our boys and not ask us to talk about this or discuss details.

I just wanted to let everyone know that we have prayerfully chosen to be content with the children the Lord has blessed us with. We fully trust Him with our family's future. If He chooses to open a door, we will walk through it but we will not take a sledgehammer to a brick wall. Our children are amazing, incredible boys. We find great joy and blessing in calling them ours.

We thank you for your prayers and your support.


  1. You do have some pretty amazing boys with the sweetest of hearts. I love your family so much. What ever God has in store for your family I know you will chose to glorify His Name.

  2. Beside you in prayer as God directs your steps in life.
    Sending hugs and love.....

  3. Thank you for sharing your heart. You are such wise parents and it must have been a very lonely journey for you and your husband as you kept this information close to the vest. This could not have been an easy decision to reach and I pray that people with tender hearts would surround you and love on you as you process this. (((hugs)))

    1. Thank you. This journey has left us heartbroken twice. There's comes a time when you have to say, "We need to move on." There comes a time when you have to stop allowing your heart to be manipulated by others. Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate them more than I can say.

  4. So understand your journey. We have 2 lovely chosen children and are thankful for this gift. Praying you will find release to enjoy the time and adventures with those who surround you! God bless.
