A year. One whole year. Three hundred and sixty five days. Twelve months. It has been an amazing journey and, though I would sure like to change the circumstances, I wouldn't trade a moment of the time we've had with you. A year ago today you locked your deep, dark eyes on mine in the operating room. Every day, when I go to get you out of your crib, your eyes find mine and you break into the biggest grin. Now, three teeth greet me where there used to be only gums. Number four and five are right behind.

You, um, enjoyed your cake...

Some of our close friends and our family members in southern California came to celebrate. It was a very special day. Since we'd already had your birthday party, we had our good friends over today for lunch and cupcakes.

You, um, enjoyed your cupcake...

Then you opened a few presents before crashing for an afternoon nap.

I love you. I love the way you toddle around. I love that your new "thing" is to turn around in circles as though you're a five-year-old who is trying to make himself dizzy. I love your precious curls, your chubby cheeks and your stout little body. I love that you are so tiny that it shocks everyone when you take off and walk with ease. I love it when you lay your head on my chest and grin at the world around you, safe in my arms. I love that you have a total of 4 words and one of them is Garrett (DitDit). I love the way you squeal, giggle, squawk, babble and coo. I love that you stand up in the middle of a room by first getting into a bug-like tripod and then suddenly flailing your upper body straight up. I love you--all of you. I love each and every finger and toe with every fiber of my being.
Happy Birthday. I'm hoping and praying for the blessing of celebrating many, many more with you.